Tired of wasting time thinking about what to do? Swipo!

What to do? Where to do it? How to get along with the other person?

Paweł Idziak
2 min readAug 29, 2022

TL; DR. Don’t waste time for thinking about what to do. Checkout SWIPO! “Tinder-like” app for activities.👌

Website: https://findactivity.web.app/

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.web.swipomobile.twa

Email: swipo.contact@gmail.com

Have You ever struggled with finding what would you like to do? Are you tired of wasting time thinking about it? Swipo! A new way of searching for activities!

POV: you would like to do something, but you don’t know what exactly… Biking? Walking? Maybe eat something? Or maybe something new? But where? Maybe near your place? Or somewhere further? There are so many questions! 🤯
How about your girlfriend/boyfriend/friend sitting next to you? Of course, with different preferences?😵 Now finding something sounds like a nightmare… and instead of doing it you spend more time thinking and searching…😪

Sounds familiar? What if I told you there is a simple solution… SWIPO!

Yeah, you got it right. Swipo solves YOUR problem. 🤩 You can easily add what you want to do or search by your current place, and what’s the best…

You can do it together! 👫 Just add another person to your game, choose activities, and viola! You can swipe, each person on their phone 📱 and get activity matches! It’s like a Tinder for activities, tinder for couples who wants to easily find what to do!

Don’t waste time! Checkout SWIPO today. 👈👈

We are open to any suggestions, please contact us! 👋

Website: https://findactivity.web.app/

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.web.swipomobile.twa

Email: swipo.contact@gmail.com

